Sacrifice is tough, ask the chicken, ask Francesco Schettino, ask Speaker Dogara, ask our leaders – and confront them with their reverse sacrifice of the people
Megabanks, megachurches, mega-looters: neoliberalism at home and abroad in the world (3) [Random thoughts and notes]
Between social-cannibalistic injustice and foundational justice: open letters to the President of the NBA and the AGF
Sacrifice is tough, ask the chicken, ask Francesco Schettino, ask Speaker Dogara, ask our leaders – and confront them with their reverse sacrifice of the people
Megabanks, megachurches, mega-looters: neoliberalism at home and abroad in the world (3) [Random thoughts and notes]
Between social-cannibalistic injustice and foundational justice: open letters to the President of the NBA and the AGF